Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Wanna be a hero? Join us!

Everyday at the library we see parents bringing by their kids to pick out a book, singing to us the same song about how they are trying to help their kids escape the need for the screen. Books are the place to be for young gowing minds and that is the mission we are on. Please help us; bring your creativity and bright energy! We want to make it a fun and new experience each time.

Story Hour March Edition

Be Your Own Author! ✍

As we bid farewell to our dear friends from the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, the Elder Christensens, we move ahead attempting to bring back the energy of the story hour kids with stories read from the PPL Staff. We had a book making activity where all the little pumpkins had a chance to create their own booklet. Getting busy they drew their own book covers, illustrated the characters of their stories and wrote lovely short tales. The idea in this activity is that we hope to inspire our kids to see the greater possibilities for their future. 
Listening to Erika read them the story about Bluey the Dog
Creating their own booklets
Lovely booklet by the kids
The Kids' Booklets
We like to think that the Pohnpei Public Library is not just a place that houses books, but a place that lives and breathes dreams for the people of Pohnpei. New beginnings start here. Goals, ideas, paths, you name it. This is the place it starts. Todays activity, again, is a small experience for bright young thinkers to bring out their own stories after having listened to so many with us. We welcome everyone to join us here at the Pohnpei Public Library to be a listener or a reader; we never know who we are inspiring!  

Friday, February 14, 2025

A Visit from Australian Volunteers at Pohnpei Public Library

Shaking Hands with Our Biggest Island Sibling

On February 13th, the Pohnpei Public Library had the pleasure of welcoming a special group from Australian Volunteers International. Led by Mrs. Kenye Ehmes RMrs. Trueleen J. Albert (Head Librarian) and Mr. Andrew Trigg (Australian Volunteer for PPL), they toured the library to learn more about the various sections and operations.

The tour included a visit to the computer lab, where technology helps support learning, as well as the kids' section, adult section, and office. The group also had the opportunity to meet the dedicated staff members present that day: Mr. Jordan Ligorio, Library Aide, and Ms. Resel Augustine, Custodian.

What is Australian Volunteers Program? 

"The Australian Volunteers Program matches skilled Australians with organisations in partner countries to help these organisations to deliver on their own objectives. The program uses international volunteering as a people-centred approach to capacity development." - Australian Government Website

To know more please click on the link. We encourage people to utilize this opportunity for their organizations and make sure of the great help that grow from working people like Andrew with this program. It is never been so easy to find professional fruitful aid; try it out, find YOUR Andrew.

It was a great opportunity for collaboration and exchange, highlighting the importance of international partnerships in supporting library services and the local community. We look forward to future visits and continued growth together!