Monday, May 6, 2024

Welcoming New Staff!

Noticed some new faces?

We have brought on a several new staff members ready and at your services at the Pohnpei Public Library. First up is Mrs. Emyleen Charley from Madolenihmw. She enjoys getting to know new people and helping others. She is PPL’s new Assistant Librarian—aiding the head librarian with all vital inner gear workings of the Library.

"As a mother I also enjoy working with 

children and helping them learn and explore 

the world of literature. In this day and age 

where people are looking into screens and 

living through technology I want to be part of 

the solution, therefore, working in a place that 

encourages reading and learning like we used 

to is how I hope to achieve this." 
- Emyleen Charley, Assistant Librarian

We pride ourselves on the diversity of our staff with employees hailing from Madolenihmw, Uh, Nukuoro, Mortlock and now Kitti!  Come on by for good service and friendly smiles from everyone here at the Pohnpei Public Library.😁

We also have a new Library Technician—Ms. Erika Billen from Kolonia. She enjoys writing and reading—a true introvert, exploring a new passion for Library Studies. Ms. Erika helps with updating the computer systems, maintaining the tech equipment in the library including printers, monitors and the sorts. She is also posting annoucements like this one and finds it slightly awkward writing about herself from the third person perspective. 

"The Library has always been the ideal place to build 

new skills and start anew in whatever journey anyone 

is on. I wanted to pursue this job because it is 

something new that I have always wanted to try. 

I have always enjoyed dabbling with tech equipment, 

so I was excited to apply that interest on the job 

and learn my way into expertise."

-Erika E. Billen, Library Technician

Recently, the PPL held its 36th Anniversary Celebration and Library Week Commemoration all together, which served as a type of soft launch introduction for all the new faces. All the staff members here are also occasionally the readers for Story Hour every Thursday at 4pm given there is/are no volunteer(s).

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