Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Behold the Newest Book Donation to the Library!

New Books for Summer!

Attention all readers! Thanks to our generous patron Mrs. Alice B. Ehmes there is now a plathora of books ready to satiate your summer vacation reading highs.  Mrs. Alice B. Ehmes is the Chairperson of the Board of Education and the Senior Financial Analyst for the FSM Insurance Board.The Board of the Pohnpei Public Library is very pleased to hear of this kind gesutre and would like to extend their sincerest gratitude to Mrs. Ehmes for her kind donation. This kind contribution will allow others the opportunity to explore in stories and highten their love of literature which is one of our main goals for the community of Pohnpei. We thank you once again and appreciate having you as a Friend of the Pohnpei Public Library! And with that, we would like to say to our other patrons, come on down to our story nook and diet on this collection to add some extra seasoning to your season!  

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