Tuesday, May 21, 2024

SeaBees Mega Book Donations

Sci-Fi Books Galore!

The Board of the PPL would like to express their tremendous gratitude to our Friends from Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 4 Mr. Justin Smith (HM-2) and Mr. Gage Daugherty (VT-2). We appreciate the great services that you have been providing to the people and communities of Pohnpei. Thanks to our Seabees friends, we have 55, yes you read it right, 55 new books added to the library's collection. Come friends and begin a new inter-galactic exploration at the Pohnpei Public Library. 

Mr. Gage Daugherty (Left), Mr. Justin Smith (Middle), Mrs. Trueleen J. Albert (Right) 
May 21st 20214 - photographer (Erika Billen) 

Books donated by Gage and Justin of the Seabees (NMCB 4).
May 21st 2024 photographed by Erika Billen

Books donated by Gage and Justin of the Seabees (NMCB 4).
May 21st 2024 photographed by Erika Billen

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