Thursday, June 27, 2024

Day 3: Cluster Orientation1

Exploring the World Through the Library

The days session was lead by Ms. Erika (Library Technician) and it kicked off with a short session of mingling and decorating their notebooks, where afterwards we commenced a name-pull-and-interview session for the introductory phase. As a crucial part of their learning we explored two methods of research and information collection--computer and literature. Using these methods we explored coutnries and gave the adventurers the chance to see the world through our resources. Firstly, little kiddos picked from a cup a name of a country. They then looked through the reference section of the library and used the library kiosk to find books relating to their country in order to answer questions they were given beforehand. After a good hour of said activity, we then shifted to the computer lab where the kiddos got to also look for more information about their countries. They were also given a short lesson on finding reliable sources online, which in this day and age can be challenging. We had a great time watching all the kiddos bond and make friends whilst learning with us. Althoug they were shy at first, they left farewelling new friends and armed with new skills that will aid them throughout their educational explorations. The 

Again, we thank our many volunteers from CCA, SDA, PICS and community volunteers that took the time to deciate their summer towards making this a magical one for the kiddos. We would also like to thank the parents that have brought our little adventurers and entrusted them in our care to be part of our learning activities. We look forward to seeing our little friends again next Thursday. 

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