Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Day 2: Cluster 2 Adventurers taking the stage!

Cluster 2 Adventurers Exploring the Library!

Cluster 2 kiddos have travelled through and are ecstatic about the program!Day2 is a gleaming success with the kiddos taking a mini tour outside the library to connect with nature and catch some fresh air and sunlight. Mrs. Emyleen Charley lead the lesson of the day and had the little ones hopping to their adventure games in the kids sections. 

"Over 40 little adventurers from all over Pohnpei registered and attended the 1st day of Cluster 2 both morning and afternoon sessions. It was phenomenal having a glance of these amazing young adventurers as they enter the Library with bright smiles and the expression you can relate to as eager to learn and ready to explore. This made the opening day of the 2nd cluster an exiting one.
Special thanks to the Volunteers from SDA, CCA and PICS as well. We sincerely appreciate your hard work and without your immense dedication and conscientious effort, today wouldn't be as exciting and successful.
In addition, we also have the parents of these young adventurers to give thanks to, for allowing your child (children) to be part of Library Summer Reading Program 2024. We can't wait to see these explorers again next week." - Mrs. Emyleen A. Charley

Using everyday activities Mrs. Emyleen had the kids exercising some of the skills that are crucial for youngsters in the This Cluster focused on using senses to study their environment and present them to the rest of their peers. This is a nice way to engage the little tourists' communicative skills and observational skills. This is the sure way that they remained entertained outside of the cyber world and making new friends through the summer. The Pohnpei Public Library staff and volunteers were enjoying their time with the kids and engaging with the little ones.

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