Thursday, June 13, 2024

Welcome our new family member!

"There is something about actually feeling the paper

 slide through your hands while reading that makes

is a worth while experience. I like bringing my 

kid to the library and always entertained the 

thought of working in this peaceful corner. I hope 

that while working here I am able to help inspire the 

younger generation to find fulfillment in 

exploring literature like I have."  - John Andon

As we farewelled our dear friend Mr. Welter W. Johnny, we give him our best wishes in his endeavor of pursuing a profession within his field of expertise and interest. The Pohnpei Public Library is proud to annouce that we have completed the staff with an additional member, Mr. John Andon from Wone, Kitti. Mr. Andon has started with us on the 10th of June and is an avid reader himself. He is also a very attentive and respectful individual who fits right into our little reading nook just perfectly. We pride ourselves on the diversity of our staff with employees hailing from Madolenihmw, Uh, Nukuoro, Mortlock and now Kitti!  Come on by for good service and friendly smiles from everyone here at the Pohnpei Public Library.😁

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